1.0.0 @mcfriend99 2024-10-07 08:49:04


Pure Blade library for creating and extracting TAR archives.

Package Information

  • Name: tar
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Homepage: Homepage goes here.
  • Tags: tar, archive, extract, blade, gzip
  • Author: Richard Ore eqliqandfriends@gmail.com
  • License: MIT


You can install the tar library with Nyssa package manager

nyssa install tar


The library exports two helper function compress() and extract() by that allows you to create and/or extract TAR archives. Note that this library does not yet support TAR archives compressed with the bzip2 algorithm (typically files ending in .bz2 and .tbz).

This library supports the most popular extensions such as .tar.gz, .tar, .gz, and .tgz.

Extracting TAR archives

Use the helper function extract() for a quick way to extract TAR archives.

import tar

tar.extract('/path/to/archive.tar.gz', '/destination')

The destination can be omitted in which case the archive will be extracted into the same directory as the source with same name without the last extension. e.g. for /path/to/file.tar.gz will extract to /path/to/file.tar directory is the destination is not given.

See below for learn more about the extract() method

Creating a new TAR ball

To quickly create a new tarball, you can use the compress() helper function in the library like this,

import tar

tar.compress('/path/to/file/or/directory', '/destination.tar.gz')

The compress function can be used to compress a single file or an entire directory. Like the extract() function, you can choose to omit the destination parameter in which case compress will save the file to the current working directory with the same name as the file/directory with the extension .tar.gz.

See below for learn more about the compress() method

API Definition

For a more fine grained control and to create TAR archives from scratch while adding file and data as you wish or to get the list of files in a TAR archive, you need to make use of the library API as described below. They are self explanatory and you can check out the examples to see more details on their use.


  • COMPRESS_AUTO: Automatically select and detect compression type (Default).
  • COMPRESS_NONE: Create and read archives without any compression.
  • COMPRESS_GZIP: Create and read archives with the GZip compression method.
  • COMPRESS_BZIP: Create and read archives with the BZip2 compression method (Not yet supported).


  • compress(path: string, destination: string = ')

    Create a new TAR ball from the file or directory in the given path and saves it to the destination path or ${NAME_OF_FILE}.tar.gz in the current directory if the destination is not given.

    • @param string path the file or directory that will be compressed.
    • @param string destination the destination of the compressed TAR ball.
  • extract(file: string, destination: string = ')

    Extracts a TAR file to the given destination or to the same directory as the source file with the same name as the TAR file (without the last extension) if destination is not given.

    • @param string file the file to be extracted
    • @param string destination the path to extract to (Optional).
    • @return List<Dictionary> of extracted items (see contents()).

Class Tar

Creates or extracts TAR archives with long pathnames (> 100 characters) support in POSIX ustar and GNU longlink formats.


  • set_compression(level: number = 9, type: COMPRESS_*)

    Set the compression level and type

    • @param int level Compression level (0 to 9) - Default = 9
    • @param int type Type of compression to use (use COMPRESS_* constants) - Default = COMPRESS_AUTO
    • @throws TarIllegalCompressionException
  • open(file: string)

    Open an existing Tar file for reading

    • @param string file
    • @throws TarIOException
    • @throws TarIllegalCompressionException
  • contents()

    Read the contents of a Tar archive

    This function lists the files stored in the Tar, and returns an indexed array of FileInfo objects

    The Tar is closed afer reading the contents, because rewinding is not possible in bzip2 streams. Reopen the file with open() again if you want to do additional operations

    • @return List<Dictionary>: This dictionary contains the following keys which describe the individual files in the archive:

      • filename: The name of the file
      • perm: Permissions on the file (essentially POSIX file mode). (default: 0)
      • uid: Id of the file owner (default: 0)
      • gid: Id of the file group (default: 0)
      • size: The size of the file (default: 0)
      • mtime: The POSIX last modified time of the file (default: 0)
      • typeflag: The type of the file (0 for regular file, 5 for directory)
      • link: The number of links on the file
      • uname: The name of the file owner
      • gname: The name of the file group
  • extract(outdir: string, strip: int|string = 0, exclude: string = '', include: string = '')

    Extract an existing Tar archive

    The strip parameter allows you to strip a certain number of path components from the filenames found in the Tar file, similar to the --strip-components feature of GNU tar. This is triggered when an integer is passed as strip. Alternatively a fixed string prefix may be passed in strip. If the filename matches this prefix, the prefix will be stripped. It is recommended to give prefixes with a trailing slash.

    By default this will extract all files found in the Tar. You can restrict the output using the include and exclude parameter. Both expect a full regular expression (including delimiters and modifiers). If include is set, only files that match this expression will be extracted. Files that match the exclude expression will never be extracted. Both parameters can be used in combination. Expressions are matched against stripped filenames as described above.

    The Tar is closed afterwards. Reopen the file with open() again if you want to do additional operations

    • @param string outdir the target directory for extracting
    • @param int|string strip either the number of path components or a fixed prefix to strip
    • @param string exclude a regular expression of files to exclude
    • @param string include a regular expression of files to include
    • @throws TarIOException
    • @return list
  • create(file: string = '')

    Create a new Tar file

    If file is empty, the Tar file will be created in memory

    • @param string file
  • add_file(path: string, header: string|dict)

    Add a file to the current Tar using an existing file in the filesystem

    • @param string path path to the original file
    • @param string|dict header either the name to use in Tar (string) or a dictionary oject with all meta data, empty to take from original
    • @throws TarIOException

    NOTE: If the header is a dictionary, it must conform to the format defined above in content().

  • add_data(data: bytes, header: string|dict)

    Add a file to the current Tar using the given data as content. If the header is set to nil or empty string, a file called Untitled-{CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} will be created.

    • @param bytes bytes binary content of the file to add
    • @param string|dict header either the name to us in Tar (string) or a dictionary oject with all meta data
    • @throws TarIOException
  • close()

    Add the closing footer to the archive if in write mode, close all file handles

    After a call to this function no more data can be added to the archive, for read access no reading is allowed anymore

    "Physically, an archive consists of a series of file entries terminated by an end-of-archive entry, which consists of two 512 blocks of zero bytes"

    • @link http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_chapter/tar_8.html#SEC134
    • @throws TarIOException
  • get_archive()

    Returns the created in-memory Tar data. This implicitly calls close() on the Tar.

    • @throws TarIOException
    • @throws TarIllegalCompressionException
    • @returns bytes
  • save(path: string)

    Save the created in-memory Tar data

    NOTE: It is more memory effective to specify the filename in the create() function and let the library work on the new file directly.

    • @param string path
  • add_directory(directory: string, file_blacklist: list = [], ext_blacklist: list = [])

    Adds the specified directory recursively to the archive and set's it path in the archive to dir.

    • @param string directory
    • @param string file_blacklist if not empty, this function will ignore every file with a matching path.
    • @param list ext_blacklist if not empty, this function will ignore every file with a matching extension.
    • @throws TarIOException|Exception
  • file_type(file: string)

    Guesses the wanted compression from the given file

    Uses magic bytes for existing files, the file extension otherwise.

    NOTE: You don't need to call this yourself. It's used when you pass COMPRESS_AUTO somewhere.

    • @param string file
    • @return int (one of COMPRESS_BZIP, COMPRESS_GZIP or COMPRESS_NONE)
              nyssa install tar@1.0.0
Pure Blade library for creating and extracting TAR archives.
License: MIT
Downloads: 3